Introduced with SIMetrix/SIMPLIS Version 8.0, the SIMPLIS analog functions library consists of high-level modeling blocks for the SIMPLIS simulator. All but two of these models exist in version 7.20, and every effort has been made to ensure the remaining models will simulate and even be editable in version 7.20.
The models include:
Symbol/Model | Description |
Multi-level MOSFET Driver (Version 8.0+) | A high level MOSFET driver with programmable turn-on and turn-off delay, and output switch configurations based on the model level. |
Multi-Level Parameterized Opamp (Version 8.0+) | The Opamp model is identical to the existing Parameterized Opamp and the redesigned symbol has a customized editing dialog, making the model intuitive to configure. |
Parameterized Linear Regulator | A high level linear regulator with an adjustable maximum output and short circuit current. |
Parameterized Opto Coupler (Version 8.0+) | A high level opto coupler with one or two pole frequency response and output transistor saturation characteristics. |
Parameterized Voltage Reference | A high level voltage reference with an adjustable maximum output and short circuit current. |
PFC POP Trigger Schematic Device | Used to obtain a successful POP analysis for PFC rectifier schematics and other circuits with two unsynchronized periodic signals where using a regular POP Trigger would cause POP analysis to fail. |
POP Trigger Schematic Device | The model is identical to previous models, but the symbol and editing dialog have been completely redesigned. |
SIMPLIS One Shot | This robust edge-triggered one shot is useful in many analog controller applications. The model is identical to the existing one shot but the symbol and editing dialog have been redesigned. |
Summers (Version 8.0+) | General purpose summers with 2 to 6 inputs. For version 8, the editing dialog has been redesigned and parameters have been added to allow users to add text annotation to the input pins. |
Switched Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source | This model is effectively one-directional analog switch, either passing the input to the output or grounding the output. The model is identical to the 7.20 version, but the symbol has been redesigned with different pin locations. |
Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) | A Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) is a device placed between equipment under test (e.g. a power supply, or a larger system containing a power supply), and an AC or DC power source to create a known precise impedance to the power input of the equipment under test (EUT) and to provide a port for measuring electromagnetic interference (EMI). |
Trailing Edge PWM (1, 2, or 3 inputs) | General purpose trailing-edge PWM. The two and three input models have summing junctions allowing a number of analog signals to be added prior to the actual PWM modulation portion of the model. Unused inputs can be left floating and will assume a value of 0V. |
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator w/ Programmable Duty Cycle | General purpose VCO which can also be used as a fixed frequency modulator. The duty cycle is programmable and a number of output signals are available to drive the Trailing Edge PWM or another PWM modulator. |
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator w/ 50% Duty Cycle | As with the Voltage-Controlled Oscillator w/ Programmable Duty Cycle, but with a fixed 50% duty cycle, triangle wave output. Useful for dual-edge modulation. |
Every effort has been made to ensure these models and symbols are compatible with pervious versions of SIMetrix/SIMPLIS. Compatibility comes in two parts:
Even if the symbol is not editable using the double click method, you can always use the right click Edit/Add Properties... method. A summary table of version compatibility is shown below:
Symbol/Model | Simulates in Version | Double-Click Editable in Version |
Multi-level MOSFET Driver (Version 8.0+) | 8.00 | 8.00 |
Multi-Level Parameterized Opamp (Version 8.0+) | 7.20 | 8.00 |
Parameterized Opto Coupler (Version 8.0+) | 8.00 | 7.20 |
PFC POP Trigger Schematic Device | 9.10c | 9.10c |
POP Trigger Schematic Device | 7.20 | 7.20 |
SIMPLIS One Shot | 7.20 | 7.20 |
Summers (Version 8.0+) | 7.20 | 8.00 |
Switched Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source | 7.20 | 7.20 |
Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) | 9.20b | 9.20b |
Trailing Edge PWM (1-input) | 8.00 | 7.20 |
Trailing Edge PWM (2-inputs) | 8.00 | 7.20 |
Trailing Edge PWM (3-inputs) | 7.20 | 7.20 |
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator w/ Programmable Duty Cycle | 7.20 | 7.20 |
Voltage-Controlled Oscillator w/ 50% Duty Cycle | 7.20 | 7.20 |
Symbols placed on schematics in previous versions of SIMetrix/SIMPLIS can be automatically migrated to use the new symbols. The schematic tools menu
will invoke a routine which migrates the existing symbols to the new symbols. As this action makes substantial changes to the schematic, it is recommended that you save a backup copy of the schematic first.