The built-in efficiency testplan is dynamically created based on user defined line and load
conditions. The testplan that is created consists of only two tests and uses 5 major
useful features in DVM:
The first test uses the Load Component Values tool to prepare the schematic for Multi-Step
by parameterizing the DVM Source and Load. It will also run Multi-Step and create aliased
efficiency vs. load vectors: one for each of the selected input voltages. The second test
does not execute a simulation; instead, this test uses the Load Component Values tool to
reset the schematic to its original state, creates X-Y scalar curves of the aliased
efficiecy vs. load vectors, and then promotes the new curves to the DVM test report's
overview page.
Before running the Efficiency Testplan, it is important to understand that all component
loss measurements are calculated based on the simulated time domain waveforms appropriate
for each power stage device. To obtain accurate loss measurements, it is essential that
each critical voltage and current be represented by an adequate number of data points so as
to capture each switching transition with sufficient resolution. The number of data points
defaults to 10k; however, to run the efficiency testplan, you need to increase the number
of plot points.
To change the number of plot points before you run the efficiency testplan, follow these
- From the menu bar, select .
- Click on the Transient tab.
- In the Number of plot points entry, change the value to 50k as shown
To run the entire efficiency testplan, follow these steps:
- From the menu bar, select .
Result: A pop-up hint provides information
about the numerical calculation methods used to calculate the efficiency.
- Click Close to dismiss the hint window.
Result: The Configure Efficiency Testplan dialog appears:
- This dialog will allow you to set the desired source voltages and load steps. The
nominal, minimum, and maximum input voltage values are taken directly from the DVM
control symbol. It will also allow you to increase the number of cores used to run the
mulit-step simulation. Increase the number of cores to the maximum allowed on your
system. Click Ok when finished.
Result: The Save
As dialog appears:

- Save the tesplan using the default setting by clicking Save.
Result: The testplan has now been created and the test selection dialog

- To run all tests in the testplan, check the Efficiency checkbox.
- Click Ok.
Result: DVM runs the entire efficiency testplan for all
three input voltages and for load currents from 10% Load to 100%; then an
overview test report opens with
a summary of the results.
This report differs from the sync-buck report in the following ways:
- First of all, this overview report includes a graph created by the Generate
Efficiency Curves test and placed on the overview report with the
PromoteGraph() function, as explained in 6.4.2 Promoting Graphs to the
Overview Report.
- Secondly, the efficiency curves differ from those in the sync-buck report since these
curves are formed from the multi-step data created in the previous test of this
testplan. Each point on the efficiency curve represents the efficiency measured during
an individual POP simulation run. The actual curves were generated with the
CreateXYScalarPlot() function, which is explained in 6.6.2 Using the
CreateXYScalarPlot() Function.
Note: Note: This particular model has efficiency curves dominated by resistive losses. If the
model had incorporated switching and other AC losses, the efficiency curves would reflect
those losses.