CollateNested Function

Collates multi-division data reducing its nest level (or number of dimensions) by one.

This function is designed to process multi-division data especially data generated by a nested multi-step run.

Its operation is best described by an example:

Consider a multi-step analysis where two variables are being stepped. At the inner level, a resistor (e.g. R1) value is varied over 10 steps from 1k to 5k. At the outer level, the analysis temperature is stepped through values -40, 0, 25, 70 and 125. In total there are 50 steps.

A transient analysis is performed on the circuit which generates a sinusoidal signal at the output. If the output was plotted directly, a mass of 50 sine waves would be plotted. Suppose a plot of RMS vs R1 was desired. There are 5 temperatures so there would be 5 curves. First the RMS1 function would be applied to the data. This would genererate a 50 division vector with each division having a single point (the RMS value).

What we need is a 5 division vector with each division containing a 10 point XY vector with X-values of the R1 resistance and y-values of the RMS value. This is the operation performed by CollateNested.

CollateNested performs a similar function to fref{coll}, however, coll produces a vector with no x-values and has to be used in conjuction with fref{XY} to create a plottable vector. Further coll does not distinguish between nest levels.


Number Type Compulsory Default Description
1 real Yes Input multi-division vector

Argument 1

Input multi-division vector


Return type: real vector

Output vector